Greetings everyone,
I apologise for missing in action for quite awhile. Was caught up with a lot of things. My trades, my new position with Fortis Bank, my new lifestyle and etc. With all of these happening in my life, I thought I was overwhelmed with stress. Stress is a dangerous thing to have and yet, a lot of people treat it very lightly until they are struck with the end result of stress.
With that, I thought for a moment. As always, using "Google" as my basis of research and scout through the net and hence, this article is born with a title, "Instant Mood Boosters For Us".
The first two praragraph of this article:
>>> "Most of us are very busy these days, as a matter of fact we always have been. As humans, we know that our health is very important but unfortunately, most of the time we do not or forget to prioritise it.
Let us take a moment for thoughts and think for a little while what really causes stress in our lives? If my answers are emotions and non-healthy food choices, will anyone believe me? Well, I am not sure of it myself but it happened to be true. To attain the feel and looking good, we have no other choice but to find a balance in our lifestyle and in our body."
To continue reading this article, use this link to download it >>> Click Here!
Warmest Regards,
Ash Ariffin
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Instant Mood Boosters...
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Women - Their Sexual Chemistry...
Hello everybody,
I have come out with my lastest article, "How To Increase Sexual Chemistry In Women".
How did I came about coming with this idea for the article? Hmmmm, a golden question :P Well, I was just looking around and realise that most men are really "MCP"! They do not give a damn or even care about what is going on in a women. So there goes, I started surfing the net and did my research. BOOM! This article is borned :P
First paragraph of this article >>> [At a certain junction in a woman’s life, they tend to realise that their sexual drive has arrived at a new low and their desire to make love will fall significantly. This is especially true for woman that is starting to experience their menopause period or for those that have just given birth. How severe this matter will get depends on how mentally different these women are. What ever the case is, we as men, carry a responsibility to keep our spouse sexually aroused in order to enjoy a long lasting relationship.]
To continue reading this article, use this link to download it >>> Click Here!
Warmest Regards,
Ash Ariffin
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
About Men - The Meaning Behind Their Words...
My back is getting better and the acupuncturist has done a really great job :) Will upodate on my solemnisation soon with pictures and everything :)
Put that aside, I have written my lastest article and I gave it a title, "About Men - The Meaning Behind Their Words".
An introduction to this article of mine, a paragraph taken from it >>> [A common statement by men, “It is not you, it is just me”. Heard this before girls? A guy that tells you that you are absolutely wonderful, amazing and everything but he has no choice but to set you free. The problem is him and not you. The true meaning behind his words is that you are the real problem and he cannot handle it anymore but he just does not know how to say it to your face.]
Use this link to download the full article >>> Click Here!
Warmest Regards,
Ash Ariffin
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Futuro (Stabilising Back Support)
Hello everyone,
To follow up on my progress of lower back pain. I am currently wearing this Stabilising Back Support by this brand "Futuro". My wife bought it for me. I should say that it is very good.
Definitely helping me support my lower back and assisting me to recover. This product is developed in collaboration with a panel of physicians, surgeons and medical specialists.
"Futuro" offers a wide range of high quality products. Each is designed to offer optimal support, comfort and fit.
For more information, do visit >
Warmest Regards,
Ash Ariffin
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Lower Back Pain (Prevention and Treatment)
Updates on my marriage has to wait. What happened recently has gave me an idea on the next article for Verbally Retarded.
I experienced a very bad episode of lower back pain. It was so horrifying because I was having lunch at my brother's place and out of a sudden, it struck. I was unable to move or even sit down. It was very horrifying.
Went to the hospital and went through all the procedures. The doctor conclude that I might be having a sprained lower back.
Today, (08th April 2008) marks the third day I am suffering from this horrifying episode. I am slightly better, manage to walk and sit down.
With this encounter, I have written a 6 page long article on Lower Back Pain (Prevention and Treatment).
An introduction to this article. Below is the first paragraph of it.
First paragraph >>> [From my most recent and first experience of lower back pain, I have scout over the internet and did an online research on it. Thus, I have decided to write an article based on my research and share it with the world. Lower back pain is no joke to be messed around with. It is serious, considering, it can make you bedridden and unable to move or do anything.]
To continue reading it, you can use this link to download it >>> Click Here!
Warmest Regards,
Ash Ariffin
Friday, April 4, 2008
Wedding Band...
In slightly more than 12hrs time, I will be going through the process of ending my bachelor hood :P
This is my wedding band that both my future wife and I choose, it is from Cartier, Trinity Series.
Quite a hole in my pocket but it is once in a lifetime :) Still owe her a big fat diamond :P Hahaha...
Anyway, wish me all the best for tomorrow :) I hope I do not faint while in the process ;P Hehehe...
Warmest Regards,
Ash Ariffin
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Shaw Tower Carpark...
Hello everyone,
Hehehe! Sorry for not posting up any new article for quite awhile, my brain is on an idle mode, nothing creative is popping out.
Anyway, last night, I was at Shaw Towers carpark. Nothing to do so I did a brainless activity by snapping some night shots from the view I always have whenever I park at Shaw Tower carpark. It is the cheapest in Bugis CBD area :)
Enjoy the pictures :)
Warmest Regards,
Ash Ariffin
Sunday, March 30, 2008

I am getting married. OMGGGG!!! Hahaha!!!
Just to inform you guys, I am not freaking out. I am cooooooooooool...
I am getting married on the 5th of April 2008. The day that I am officially a non-single.
Spent 1 hour today to arrange the dowry into a frame. Man, it is not an easy job. Still more things to come.
Anyway, this blog of mine, will not only house my Verbally Retarded articles but also part and pieces of my life :)
Stay Tuned....
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Business Dinning Etiquette...
This article is about Business Dining Etiquette. 10 tips to make a good impression :)
An introduction of this article. Below is the first paragraph of it.
First paragraph >>> [One of the most vital parts of conducting business today is business dining etiquette. Office or even on your cell phone may not be the best or common place to conduct business today. Almost about fifty percent of business is conducted over food. That is why it is said that business lunch or dinner is always more than a meal. It is an important way to built relationship with potential clients or business partners.]
To continue reading the rest of it, you can use this link to download it >>> Click Here!
Warmest Regards,
Ash Ariffin
Friday, March 28, 2008
Breast Enhancement...
This time round, I guess my brain is really thinking :P Hehehe. I just finished an article that I gave a title, "Possibility of Natural Breast Enhancement" :)
An introduction of this article. Below is the first paragraph of it.
First paragraph > [Breast augmentation surgery is widely practised but similar to other cosmetic procedures; it has its own set of benefits and risks. In this article, you will be introduced to some natural methods which can assist you in enhancing the size and shape of your breasts.]
To continue reading it, you can use this link to download >>> Click Here!
Warmest Regards,
Ash Ariffin
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Verbally Retarded's very first article has been produced :P hehehe...
I titled it > "Do Not Let Anxiety Get the Better of You in Your Relationships"
An introduction to this article. Below is the first paragraph of it.
First Paragraph > [In a relationship, it is very tough to deal with anxiety management. To keep a relationship going and in a healthy state is tough enough, let alone in having to deal with our anxieties. As a result, from a little corner of my brain, some suggestions or you might call it techniques have popped up on what we can do for anxiety management while keeping a relationship going in a healthy state.]
To continue reading it. You can use this link to download it > Click Here!
It is in .pdf file :)
Warmest Regards,
Ash Ariffin
Welcome to Verbally Retarded.
I have created this blog to house all my thought that I pen down into words and write it into short article :)
I do hope fellow readers of my blog will have an enjoyable time :)
Warmest Regards,
Ash Ariffin